U of U

Thursday, April 7, 2011
Zombies need schools, too, right?

6 comments on "U of U"
  1. Love this! Sheila should really consider going to college there (of course they already offer some of these things in her world).

  2. :D Adore this. I wonder if I can sign up.

  3. Hi Jenn. I've been looking for you for ages. I don't know if you're the same Jenn Rush who followed me, but whatever, I like your site so I'm in! :D

    Have a great weekend and wishing you lots of success.


  4. Ani --- I'm sure Sheila would be class president of U of U! Or maybe head cheerleader?

    Emy --- You would have to have a liking of brains. :D

    Tyson --- As I said in my comment on your blog, I am the same Jenn Rush! So glad to hear you like the site! I waste far too much time on it. Wishing you a great weekend as well! :)

  5. Sheila would like to be class president and head cheerleader. If they don't let her, she'll eat their brains! ;)

  6. I wonder---would the consuming of your peers get you expelled? *must consult handbook*

