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A REBORN Excerpt

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

A while back, someone asked me on Twitter to post an excerpt of REBORN. Of course, I said yes. Because I love sharing teasers! I had planned on posting this back when that dear, sweet reader asked for an excerpt, but I've been having website issues and just now fixed it. Or it seems to be fixed. If you have any issues posting comments or navigating on here, please tweet me or email!

So to celebrate getting the site back up and running, and to do what I promised I'd do, I'm posting an excerpt of REBORN from Nick's point-of-view. This takes place early in the book, and you'll see Nick has gotten himself in a bit of trouble. I really did love writing Nick. He was sometimes unpredictable. Sometimes so kind and caring it hurt. I seriously can't wait for you all to read REBORN.

All right, here we go!


Anna gave me a shove. "Sit down so I can take a look at your injuries." All trace of the earlier panic was gone, leaving only her exasperation, and a driving need to take care of something that was broken. Unfortunately, that something was me.
"You don't have to—"
"I know I don't have to." Her jaw tensed. "Sit down."
I closed the toilet seat and sat, feeling the ache of the fight settling into my joints. I needed pain killers. Maybe something stronger than OTC.
"Where's Sam?" I asked.
"In town, filling the gas cans."
She bent down to fish out the first aid kit from beneath the sink. "He went running about a half hour ago." She unzipped the kit on the vanity top and started tearing into gauze packs. I caught her hand mid tear and she glared over at me.
"Stop," I said. "Don't waste the supplies. A rag will do."
She frowned, but didn't argue, and switched over to a rag she dug out of the closet. She wetted it down and came over to me, hunching so we were face to face.
Her blond hair was braided, and it hung over her shoulder, tied off with a black rubber band. Dark shadows painted the skin beneath her eyes. She hadn't been sleeping well lately. Flashbacks and old demons haunting her out of bed. I could relate. None of us really slept well, except for Cas. Cas could sleep through an air raid.
Anna cleaned the blood from my face, and the open wound on the side of my eye, working with the methodic confidence of a professional, even though she wasn't.
"Why do you keep doing this?" she mumbled.
I scowled. "Why do you keep asking?"
Another frown. It was her default expression with me.
"What's going on, Nick? Is it more flashbacks?"
I looked past her at the towel hanging from the towel rack. It used to be brown. Now it was a faded mud color.
I saw a flash of a girl and I slammed my eyes shut.
I kept seeing her. The same girl. And every time I did, she was shaking. No, not shaking. Trembling.

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