No Kids

Thursday, March 17, 2011
This is what happens when my husband and I have no kids for the night. No work gets done, and silly things are discussed and made.

7 comments on "No Kids"
  1. You could have been a graphic designer! Love the stuff you've been doing with pictures and type lately, and especially the zombie magazine (Sheila would totally read that).

  2. I don't know which makes me more jealous... your mad graphic design skills or that you guys got a night off! :)

    "Zombies are people too" <--- LOVE it!

  3. Sheila would get a year's subscription for free, courtesy of her biggest fan! :)

    Thanks Steph!

  4. P---A night without kids is EPICLY awesome, isn't it? :) Sometimes I just sit there and go...what do I do first?! So many possibilities!!

  5. "Sheila would get a year's subscription for free, courtesy of her biggest fan! :)"

    See, that's why she likes you ... also why she hasn't eaten your brain yet ;)

  6. If she promises not to eat my brain, I'll boost that free subscription up to a lifetime subscription! Cuz, ya know, I like my brain. :)

  7. Sheila says it's a deal!

    p.s. I feel like I should warn you that zombies don't always keep their word - something about how their brains function.
