Author Photos

Thursday, June 7, 2012
Both my pubs (and my t-rex-alicious foreign agent) asked for author photos within the last few weeks. And I was all, I have nothing. And they were all, Get something. And I was all, UGGGH I HATE GETTING MY PICTURE TAKEN. 

So I wrangled my husband into being my assistant and we took some author photos today.

I truly really so much hate getting my picture taken. And I have an even harder time picking which one looks better. You all should totally help me. These three are the best out of the bunch (and I took 80 gabillion).

No. 1

No. 2

No. 3

I think #3 is my favorite, but that's only because you can't see my face. Which obviously I much prefer. I suppose being that it's an author photo, you should be able to actually, ya know, see the author. 

23 comments on "Author Photos"
  1. I know you hate your face being seen, but...I actually like #2. Don't kill me!

    1. Hah! I would never! :D Thanks for the vote! I DO like #2 a lot, but its so weird to think of that face printed on book covers that will be all over the place. It makes me want to hide!

  2. I like #3 best, because you're having a private laugh. Authors need more smiles and laughs, and less serious-face ;-)

    1. I ammmm having a private laugh. :D My husband kept saying funny things behind the camera to get me to laugh. Pretty much worked every time.

      Thanks for the vote!

  3. I think #3 is a pretty picture, BUT #2 is my pic for author photo. Also, you are hot. Take more pictures. ;)

    1. Hot. Pssshhhht. You are one funny lady. :D

      #1 is definitely out, as no one has voted for it yet. So I guess I'm probably good with picking #2 or #3. It all depends on how much I want to hide!

  4. #2 and 3. 3 is mysterious and 2 is lovely and friendly. I do like the romantic feel of 3.

    1. I definitely like the lighting better in #3. So hard to choose!

      Thanks for the vote!

  5. They are all so pretty! My vote is with #2 though!

    1. I do like #2 a lot, and it DOES seem more authorly. :D

      Thanks for the vote!

  6. #2, fo shiz! It's gorgeous, Jenn! Show your purdy face! :D

    1. :D Thanks Jaime! I ended up going with #2 for my "official" author photo and will use #3 online.

      I appreciate the vote!

  7. I think #2 is the best, because you look like you're getting ready to talk about your book.

    1. Thanks for the vote! I ended up going with #2!

  8. Replies
    1. YAY! :D I went with #2. Thanks for the vote, D!

  9. Number 2 shows your funness, friendliness, and approachability. Number 3 makes me want to see more of you and makes me wonder what you are looking at. :-)

    1. Thanks Hay! :D I decided on #2 as my "official" author photo and think I'll use #3 online. I hate to waste it!

  10. I'm late but my vote is for #2! Though #3 makes an awesome profile pic :)

  11. I just found your blog, and I'm late to vote too, but I love #2! You look so relaxed! I'm glad you chose that one!
